
#Prestashop 1.5.6 est en ligne

Voici la liste complète des modifications :

Fixed bugs:

[-] Installer : added the missing default tab in the employee
[-] INSTALLER : Fix bug #PSCFV-8289 bad orders vouchers total after update
[-] INSTALLER: Wrong SQL query for PS_LEGACY_IMAGES to 0
[-] INSTALLER: short_description for PREFIX_manufacturer_lang is now type TEXT
[-] INSTALLER : Fix infinite loop when order message has additional ampersand
[-] INSTALLER : Fix fatal error in upgrade, could not load configuration class
[-] INSTALLER : no update value in fix_download_product_feature_active
[-] INSTALLER : Fix fatal error when upgrading

[-] FO : isVirtualCart was forced to false
[-] FO: Fix display of quantity discounts on product pages if the customer is allowable for multiple discount for the same quantity #PSCFV-10580
[-] FO: packages should be splitted with advanced stock management when carrier is not associated to multiple warehouse
[-] FO : Fix #PSCFV-10480 again, css fix
[-] FO : Fix #PSCFV-10480 again css fix
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-10478 could not see auto added cart rule voucher on product page
[-] FO: Fix #PSCFV-10461
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-10328 Set country currency if defined when geolocated
[-] FO: Fix Product::getAttributesGroups() minimal_quantity/weight/available_date should be multishop
[-] FO : replace ucfirst by ucwords for the customer firstname #PSCFV-10396
[-] FO : 301 Redirect /iso_lang to /iso_lang/ url
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-8917 taxes calculation when changing delivery address
[-] FO: Fix SSL links on domain_ssl instead domain
[-] FO : fixed chinese search with multiple symbols #PSCFV-10322
[-] FO : Partial fix of adding gift on cart rule on the same entity in the cart rule
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-10118 quantity not updated when cart rules give the same product as gift
[-] FO : fixed bug when is virtual cart on OPC carriers is no longer displayed
[-] FO : FixBug when route id is empty

[-] BO : Bug fix – Modules confirmation messages
[-] BO : Retro compat, PS_ADMIN_DIR not defined //bad commit sorry
[-] BO : Employee’s default_tab may not exists, switching to AdminOrders
[-] BO : Retro compat, PS_ADMIN_DIR not defined
[-] BO : AdminImport add combinations available fields
[-] BO : AdminImport add adresses required fields
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-9323 supplier_reference can be unset
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-10064, could not import feature in multilang, thanks @E.Bigfoot
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-10064, could not import deature in multilang, thanks @E.Bigfoot
[-] BO : Remove dead code in AdminImport
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-10558 – Invalid HTML markup.
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-8389 duplicates is SpecificPrice table
[-] BO : AdminImport, tables are not truncated
[-] BO : managed decimal format in BO orders
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-5060 could not import supplier_combinations in combinations import
[-] BO : Fix #PSCFV-6482 could not import tags in deiffrent languages
[-] BO : fixed currency format on order creation
[-] Bo : Fix again #PSCFV-10474 again, not deleting start page after import
[-] Bo : Fix again #PSCFV-10474 coul not export more than 300 products
[-] BO: Fix total without tax in breakdown taxes when taxes are combined #PSCFV-10394 on the invoices
[-] BO: translation mismatch Here is a form to edit the values ​​in the group, we do not need here « attribute type ».
[-] BO : AdminImport, not matching by ref for updating
[-] BO: Fix #PSCFV-10488 filter by employee on logs tab
[-] BO : FixBig #PSCFV-10442 – Members Cutomer Group list
[-] BO : Could not import empty linkrewrite for products and not matching refs
[-] BO : Sort import files in select
[-] BO : Remove duplicate sql insert in setProductOutOfStock in monoshop
[-] BO : Fix #PSCFV-10501 Remove fatal error
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-9675 could not import non existent parent category
[-] BO : Bad entity pre selected in AdminImport
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-10483, could not import other language product link_rewrite
[-] BO: Fix data validation when iframe is allowed on some entities like CMS
[-] BO : Fix Bug For new Fancy Box events
[-] BO : fixed the redirection to a 404 page when loging in in the updater
[-] BO : Bad input radio names
[-] BO : Issue with domready on adminImport
[-] BO : do not reaffect import_type for categories
[-] BO: Bad id for multishop checkbox on admin products – weird bug with active flag #PSCFV-9935
[-] BO : Fix proces and save buttons for Modules and AdminControllers
[-] Bo : Modules ‘save’ button not active
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-8214 import entity pre selected
[-] BO : Fix bugPSCFV-10249 images copy when unix path
[-] BO : limited the number of customers displayed in the group view to 100 in order to avoid memory usage error
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-9900 Double quote escape problem in delete button link
[-] BO : Could not order in AdminStatuses by ID or template
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-8407 can not customize feature column name if needed
[-] BO : quote badly decoded in customerThreads
[-] BO : Fix Bug #PSCFV-10331 check all from list
[-] BO : Customer message twice encoded
[-] BO : Fix bug, orders states not ordered by order state name
[-] BO : Bug fix – Encoding & tips of the day
[-] BO : Do not copy link_rewrite from title if cms already has one
[-] BO : Small changes when creating vouchers in back office orders
[-] BO: Fix out of stock creation with multishop and stock sharing
[-] BO: Fix preview url with multishop
[-] BO : Fix possible Uncaught exception ‘ReflectionException’ when viewing AdminMeta
[-] BO : FixBug PSCFV-10331 – Tax rules Pagination
[-] BO : Display the old image system migration tool if product images are in _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_
[-] BO : ini_get(‘safe_mode’) can return false
[-] BO : AdminModulesController – Bug fix, $params was not set
[-] BO : Fix #PSCFV-9906 could not register search engines keywords
[-] BO : Fix pull request #665
[-] BO : Fix error returned when first import of a localisation pack
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-10213 check product/attribute id – Thanks F. Cespedes
[-] BO: Fix fatal error on customer edition when email is not valid
[-] BO : fixed bug when try to add jquery from in BO
[-] BO : FixBug Url rewrite preview when user have a different language from shop
[-] BO : fixed bug with multistore context on carrier wizard

[-] Classes : Bug fix – FrontController, mobile & JS minifier fixed

[-] CORE : #PSCFV-10389 Avoid eventual empty Specific Price Rule
[-] CORE : Fix bug #PSCFV-10179 Duplicate specific price records when updating a product
[-] CORE : Cart rules not ordered by priority for PaymentModule
[-] CORE : Partial fix bug #PSCFV-10534 bad total_products_wt calculated without other cart rules
[-] CORE : Could not add too long tags
[-] CORE : Missing tag max size
[-] CORE : Partial fix for #PSCFV-10482 getCacheId is different in back office
[-] CORE : Fix bug #PSCFV-10471 Cart item count problem, unique_id grouping error for id_product and id_product_attribute
[-] CORE : #PSCFV-10461 customer group in getPriceStatic, pull request
[-] Core: Set a remote addr with php-cli #PSCFV-10372
[-] CORE : Could not add several cart rules
[-] CORE : Fix bug #PSCFV-10040 Notice: Undefined index: unifunc && Fatal error: Function name must be a string on some PHP version with empty cache folder and smarty cache enabled
[-] CORE: Fix for field length and type regarding
[-] CORE : Remove PHP Warning: file_put_contents on modules config.xml
[-] CORE : fixed bug #PSCFV-10175 – No virtuel download email send after accepted payment

[-] MO : Blocklayered – Fix empty fancy box after template edit
[-] MO : FixBug #10460 – UTF8 bug on accented URL
[-] MO : Blockcart, wrong tbody
[-] MO : Fix buig #PSCFV-10480 Blockcart too long cart_block_product_name
[-] MO : FixBug #PNM-1683 – Treeview problem
[-] MO: Fix time of smarty cache invalidation
[-] MO : PNM-1715 – Bug fix accented chars & ajax-cart
[-] MO : Editorial could not delete image
[-] MO : Fixed a bug when displaying textures Corrections links texture image in the blocklayered
[-] MO : carriercompare fixed bug, override template’s files in theme. Ticket #PNM-1691
[-] MO : Statsdata, exception on duplicate entry
[-] MO: Fix unifunc smarty errors if module is displayed on multiplehook without cache
[-] MO : fix bug #PSCFV-9906 again, bad url parsing
[-] MO: Fix blocklayered sort by quantity #PSCFV-10300

[-] WS: Fix order by on id field on multishop entities
[-] WS: Fix entities retrieve for some cases
[-] WS: 404 error should be returned if a multishop entity does not exists #PSCFV-10229
[-] WS: Bad xlink for tax_rules_group in product

[-] PDF : Report of

[-] LO: Argeninian localization

Improved/changed features:

[*] Project : Orders should rely only on ps_order_cart_rule

[*] Installer : added file check in order to check if everyhting has been successfuly uploaded

[*] FO: Allow to enable SSL on all the pages
[*] FO : removed extra slash and point

[*] BO : AdminImport, retrieve separators and lang selected
[*] BO : Add category id in AdminSpecificPriceRule
[*] BO: Allow to breakdown the taxes when they are computed
[*] BO : AdminImport, remove csv files
[*] BO : Adminimport, check csv download path
[*] BO : Add csv file download in AdminImport
[*] BO : improved automatic language creation
[*] BO : Set import entity in cookie (#PSCFV-8214)
[*] BO: sort modules name in Stats

[*] CORE : Increasing the length of link_rewrite & name in Category.php In database this fields have varchar(128) so let’s give the user full size of fields
[*] CORE : bad else if in getTemplatePath
[*] CORE : Refactoring Tools::copy() as copy with context > PHP 5.3
[*] Core: don’t re-generate the class_index.php file if a class is not known to avoid misuse of class_exists()

[*] MO : MailAlerts : Add SQL update script for v2.5
[*] MO : MailAlerts : multishop/multilang full compatibility Customers will receive alerts based on the real context of the moment they subscribed to the alert (sho, theme & language) SQL update table : `ps_mailalert_customer_oos` ========================================= ALTER TABLE `ps_mailalert_customer_oos` ADD `id_lang` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , DROP PRIMARY KEY , ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `id_customer` , `customer_email` , `id_product` , `id_product_attribute` , `id_shop` ) ;

[*] LO : Removed ‘Miss’ from the default genders because too country specific
[*] LO : Use single quote as thousands separator for CHF currency

Added Features:

[+] FO : add getManufacturer() to ManufacturerControllerCore Add getManufacturer() to ManufacturerControllerCore to access the protected manufacturer instance of the controller.

[+] BO : add TinyMCE editor for supplier descrpition in AdminManufacturerSupplier
[+] BO : add TinyMCE editor for short and long descrpition in AdminManufacturerController
[+] BO : Improve mod rewrite check

[+] MO : add link to all manufacturer page and the feature to show All Suppliers
[+] MO : add the option to show all Manufacturer Add the option to show all Manufacturer in blocktopmenu module.
[+] MO : Mailalerts – Add Total tax paid to order confirmation

[+] TR : Added Indonesian installer

[+] LO : Completed Traditional Chinese Installer
[+] LO : Added Bengali installer
[+] LO: Added Traditional Chinese installer