
Prestashop 1.5 est sorti !!!

Par rapport aux précédentes versions de cette 1.5, on note la (ré)apparition de la classe Mobile_Detect (plus d’info ici) et le thème mobile (qui ne fonctionne pas encore à 100%).
Bientôt un test complet de cette nouvelle version pour savoir si c’est vraiment une version finale ou encore une RC.
Seriez-vous prêts à l’utiliser dès demain pour un site en production ?
Voici le changelog de cette nouvelle version de Prestashop :

Improved/changed features:

	[*] Installer : added timout to sql connection
	[*] Installer : socket management for PDO + refactoring

	[*] FO : Optimization - don't redirect and allow WS and other script to work

	[*] BO : #PSCFV-3710 : select a current theme in AdminTranslations
	[*] BO : #PSCFV-3831 : check each field which are required in databases
	[*] BO : Added Mobile category in AdminModulesController
	[*] BO : Changed the default list view for products and categories when multistore is activated
	[*] BO : now you could translate a mobile theme
	[*] BO : set context shop by default when creating a new catalog price rule #PSCFV-3412

	[*] TR : #PSCFV-3999 : change string "multishop" by "multistore" in BO
	[*] TR : #PSCFV-4000 : change string "validity" by "valid" in BO
	[*] TR : add Deutsch translations
	[*] TR : add French translations
	[*] TR : add Italian translations
	[*] TR : add Spanish translations
	[*] TR : add setter for the type selected
	[*] TR : add spanish object for confirmation order email
	[*] TR : update French translations

	Added Features:

	[+] FO : mobile theme re-included in the trunk

	[+] BO : Added Mobile tab image
	[+] BO : in order tab you have new information of new customer message

	Fixed bugs:

	[-] INSTALLER : fixed bug #PSCFV-2979
	[-] Installer : #PSCFV-3603 - loop while loading logo
	[-] Installer : changed the primary keys of tha language tables of category, product, meta, carrier #PSCFV-3726
	[-] Installer : deprecated tab removed in the 1.4 > 1.5 upgrade #PSCFV-3564
	[-] Installer : fix #PSCFV-4050
	[-] Installer : fixed errors at the installation with insertion of null values in the database #PSCFV-3544
	[-] Installer : fixed warnings #PSCFV-3633
	[-] Installer : fixed wrong return value in upgrade script
	[-] Installer : ignore port when creating the sender e-mail address #PSCFV-3756
	[-] Installer : install failed when you had an exotic (i.e. not by default in the installer) default country/language #PSCFV-3891
	[-] Installer : set admin theme to default after an upgrade

	[-] FO : Bug fix on carrier input value (comma)
	[-] FO : ObjectModel/Db tried to add entities with a primary key pre-filled #PSCFV-3652 #PSCFV-3651
	[-] FO : disable ajax transition on mobile theme in order to fix javascript issues
	[-] FO : fixed #PSCFV-3675
	[-] FO : fixed #PSCFV-3676
	[-] FO : fixed accessories display
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PNM-431
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-2741
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3758 -  now you can display working hour on simplified mode in store locator
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3784 - fixed display bug in dateofdelivery and order history
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3794
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3811 - Customization field non present while not long description on product page
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3818
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3853
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3936
	[-] FO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3964 - #PSCFV-3527
	[-] FO : fixed bugs on customer messages #PSCFV-3733 #PSCFV-3712
	[-] FO : fixed cache management conflict for packed product #PSCFV-3294
	[-] FO : fixed country restrictions for payment modules #PSCFV-2738
	[-] FO : fixed height of homefeatured products (missing height caused problem on floating div position sometimes) #PSCFV-3638
	[-] FO : fixed mixed cache in different shops #PSCFV-3174
	[-] FO : fixed undeletable products in cart (when price < 1¤) #PSCFV-3707
	[-] FO : mobile : fix #PSCFV-3881
	[-] FO : mobile : fix #PSCFV-3904
	[-] FO : mobile theme: fix #PSCFV-3878 : now the cart isn't reload with Jquery Mobile
	[-] FO : mobile theme: fix #PSCFV-3913
	[-] FO : pagination form cannot have an css id because it is used more than once #PSCFV-3755
	[-] FO : some categories should not appear in some stores #PSCFV-4020

	[-] BO : #PSCFV-3670 : add a new format of currency in JS files
	[-] BO : #PSCFV-3776 : small fix
	[-] BO : #PSCFV-3797 : small fix
	[-] BO : #PSCFV-3808 : small fix
	[-] BO : #PSCFV-3834 : Check if file upload exist when use the contact form
	[-] BO : #PSCFV-3848 : Add reference order instead of id order for follow an order
	[-] BO : Attribute deletion fixed #PSCFV-3616
	[-] BO : BugFix : #PSCFV-3554 : Class Category, Method calcLevelDepth: throw Exception
	[-] BO : children categories were not really deleted #PSCFV-4028
	[-] BO : deactivated tab does are not displayed anymore #PSCFV-3740
	[-] BO : filename should be allowed to be empty #PSCFV-3592
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3855
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3874
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3893
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3908
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3926
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3928
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3945
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-3979
	[-] BO : fix #PSCFV-4025
	[-] BO : fixed #PSCFV-3627
	[-] BO : fixed #PSCFV-4034
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-2958
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3226
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3541
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3724 - fixed bug with "Save and Stay" on product page with DisplayAdminProductsExtra
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3738 - addCSS() and addJS() methods not working in backOfficeHeader hook
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3787 - Front displaying blank features
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3806 - fixed bug when unchecked all shop asso you can't access to item any more.
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3886
	[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3922
	[-] BO : fixed incorrect substr in customer service #PSCFV-3621
	[-] BO : fixed issue with dot and comma in import for floating numbers #PSCFV-3609
	[-] BO : fixed right permissions for new tabs #PSCFV-3640
	[-] BO : fixed wrong link on AdminHome #PSCFV-3614
	[-] BO : function str2url fixed #PSCFV-4017
	[-] BO : images extension weren't checked appropriately #PSCFV-3584
	[-] BO : null values ignored in objectmodel::update #PSCFV-3591
	[-] BO : original product price was saved without decimals #PSCFV-3968
	[-] BO : restricted some unauthorized accesses #PSCFV-3611
	[-] BO : set addresses to deleted when customer set to deleted #PSCFV-3975
	[-] BO : status image was not saved #PSCFV-3654
	[-] BO : super admins are now added to all shops #PSCFV-3561
	[-] BO : theme mobile : #PSCFV-3880 : Now you have 4 options for enable the theme mobile
	[-] BO : theme mobile : #PSCFV-3910
	[-] BO : theme mobile : #PSCFV-3937
	[-] BO : you can now delete multiple order statuses at one #PSCFV-3585

	[-] CLASSES : Report Contry::getCountries() changes from 1.4 to 1.5
	[-] Classes : Autoload, bug fix

	[-] CORE : fixed bug #PSCFV-3406
	[-] CORE : fixed bug #PSCFV-3889
	[-] CORE : fixed bug #PSCFV-3916
	[-] CORE : fixed bug #PSCFV-3982

	[-] MO : #PSCFV-3550 - Module Check : Display warning only if the module is active
	[-] MO : blocktopmenu : #PSCFV-3762 : Add link for CMS categories
	[-] MO : fixed #PSCFV-3940
	[-] MO : fixed #PSCFV-3944
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3148 - now referalprogram use module controller
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3751 - Links Block Formatting //need to re-install the module
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3768
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3770 - Uncheck "Display the Footer's informations" in CMS Block cause CMS links to hide too.
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3791- customer privacy module error bug
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3871
	[-] MO : fixed bug #PSCFV-3871 - part 2
	[-] MO : fixed context issues in loyalty #PNM-332
	[-] MO : fixed deprecated link in statdata #PNM-315
	[-] MO : fixed image upload in homeslider #PSCFV-3730
	[-] MO : followup : #PSCFV-3946
	[-] MO : loyalty : #PSCFV-3760 : fix warning && update number of loyalties by product && normalize
	[-] MO : loyalty : #PSCFV-3764 : display points of default attribute
	[-] MO : mailalert : #PSCFV-3763 : Fix error when i delete an mail alert
	[-] MO : mailalert : Fix duplicate result
	[-] MO : product_comment : fix #PSCFV-3983

	[-] WS : Fix 1.5 compatibility
	[-] WS : Fix id_shop behavior when use WS or script
	[-] WS : Multiple fix on Web Services

	[-] TR : #PSCFV-3849 : fix bug in TranslateCore class
	[-] TR : #PSCFV-3972 : change "%7Bshop_url%7D" by "{shop_url}" in Deutsch emails
	[-] TR : #PSCFV-3977 : fix bug when upgrade of 1.4.x to 1.5.x
	[-] TR : #PSCFV-4027 : change string "tabs" by "Menus"...
	[-] TR : #PSCFV-4032 : fix encoding of tabs.php file for all languages
	[-] TR : Mail : #PSCFV-3987 : add stripslashes for email object
	[-] TR : fix #PSCFV-3932
	[-] TR : fix bug when not have a mobile folder in a theme folder
	[-] TR : update French translations strings
	[-] TR : update French translations strings (fo)
	[-] TR : update translations strings